Several tutorials on
GPS and Remote Sensing.
Also the Canadian Communities Atlas Project
an Internet based project to schools across Canada. By
participating and creating a Community Atlas web site.
On-Line courses on Java programming and Remote Sensing.
Several degree program's and training courses in GIS and Remote
Sensing from universities and colleges around the world.
Professional Certification
Technical College Alexandria, MN.GIS Specialist
Certificate (GSC) This one-year (30 credit) certificate will allow the student
to broaden their knowledge of GIS and its applications in a highly technical environment.
American River College
Sacramento, CA GIS certificate program
College, UK Postgraduate Non-Degree Advanced
Certificate Programmes (include Spatial Information Science, Physical Geography Updated,
and Human Geography)
Columbia Institute of Technology Advanced
Diploma Program in GIS
Contractors Well
Construction and Pump Installation Certification Program
Certified Mapping Scientists -- GIS
Certified Mapping Scientists -- Remote Sensing
Certified Photogrammetrists
California State
University Long Beach Certificate in GIS
Cleveland State
University Certificate in Urban GIS
University, Australia Graduate Certificate
and MS in Geographic Information Science
State University, Bakersfield Geographic
Information Systems Certificate Program (the program consists of 20 quarter units: 8 units
from core classes; and 12 units from electives)
Certificate of Hydrology Portland State University
Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) Educational Programs facilitates multidisciplinary approach to
geo-informatics, land resource surveys, urban sciences and earth and water resource
surveys. Major emphasis is placed on remote sensing (RS) and geographic information
systems (GIS).
Niagara CollegePost-graduate
(professional) Certificate in GIS systems
Northern Alberta Institute of
Technology GIS Certificate for Systems Designers
and Builders
Northern Alberta Institute of
Technology GIS Certificate for Supervisors/Managers
Other programs in and near Minnesota see the summary by the MN GIS/LIS Consortium
Oklahoma State
University Certificate in GIS
Professional Certification Wetland Scientist
University Professional Certificate Program
in Geomatics
Cloud State University Certificate in
Geographic Information Science
St. Mary's
University of Minnesota Certificate in
Resource Analysis
San Diego
State University Certificate in GIS
San Francisco
State University Certificate in GIS
Jose State University Certificate in GIS
Sir Sanford Fleming College - various College
Certificates in GIS
GISystems Application Specialist
Business Applications Specialist
Cartographic Specialist
The University of Utah Certificate
Program in Geographic Information Science
Irrigation Association General Certification Program Information
The Advanced Diploma Program in
GIS is designed for students with a background in a relevant discipline or technology.
Covers GIS principles, training in GIS software, technical issues in GIS, remote sensing,
digital mapping and management issues in GIS. Students participate in an
industry-sponsored project (practicum or directed studies) in the program. By B.C.
Institute of Technology
University of Connecticut Certificate in GIS
University of Florida
Certificate in Introduction to GPS Mapping
of North Alabama Certificate in GIS
of Texas, Dallas Certificate in GIS for government
and private sector application
of Utah Certificate Program in GIS
University of California Riverside Extension GIS Certificate
Degree programs (on campus)
Technical College Alexandria, MN. Associate of
Applied Science (AAS) degree is designed to prepare students for entry level
employment in the field of GIS and Computerized Mapping. The program of study includes 20
credits of general education courses and 44 credits of technical courses (course descriptions).
American River College
Sacramento, CA GIS Associates of Arts
Degree Program
College, UK MSc Geographical Information Science
& MPhil/PHD (funding oppertunities available)
Boston University Master of Arts in Environmental Remote Sensing and Geographic
Information Systems specialized training in the use of
remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in environmental and natural
resource analysis and management.
Young University(BYU),UT offers BS in GIS &
MS in Geography (programs are centered around spatial analysis with principle focus
of research in GIS and remote sensing, and land use and environmental planning)
British Columbia Institute of Technology Bachelor of Technology in Geomatics/GIS (There are two program options to choose from --Surveying/Mapping and GIS)
Clark University Masters
in GIS and International Development
Centre of
Geographic Sciences, Nova Scotia Community College Advanced
Diplomas in Business Geographics, Geographic Information Systems, Integrated studies in
University, Australia MS in Geographic
Information Science
Forest Information Resource Management Systems (FIRMS) is a GIS and Remote Sensing Facility of the University of British
Columbia. The FIRMS laboratory is utilized by Forestry, Agriculture and other Faculties
and Departments of the university, as well as by government, industry and non-governmental
organizations. Projects are undertaken by FIRMS on a cost-recovery basis.
GIS and
Remote Sensing Courses University of
INFORMATION SYSTEMS Graduate School Directories
Departments around the world
Michigan State
University Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D.
degrees in Geography, Landscape Architecture, and Urban and Regional Planning.
Resources GIS Research lab at the University of
Alberta. The lab is used for research into the use of GIS in forestry-related
Cloud State University MS in Geographic
Information Science
St. Mary's
University of Minnesota MS in Resource Analysis
The Radar Remote Sensing Group Research programme of University of British
Columbia consists of one faculty, one post-doctoral fellow, 6 graduate students and one
of Texas, Dallas Master of Science in Geographic
Information Sciences
University of
Denver MS in GIScience
University of
Florida M.S. Concentration in
Applications of Geographic Technologies
University of
Calgary Masters in GIS Program
University of
Minnesota Professional Masters in GIS
University College London, Dept. Photogrammetry and
Surveying research projects and master degrees in
Photogrammetry, Surveying, GIS and RemoteSensing at UCL.
University of Minnesota:Department of Geography
University of Adelaide,
Australia Graduate Diploma in Spatial Information
Science and Master of Spatial Information Science
University of Northern British Columbia offer GIS courses like Spatial Data Techniques, Advanced Geographic
Information Systems, and Independent Studies in GIS etc.
University of Alberta Earth and Atmospheric Sciences department offers GIS - Remote Sensing Courses for Degree Programs, Graduate Seminars, Undergraduate Courses, and
other (future) Courses.
Training Courses
Advanced ArcView - Vector
Advanced ArcView - Raster
Advanced Conservation GIS and Remote Sensing
Course provides conservationists with an
opportunity to learn how GIS and remote sensing can be used to assess the conservation
status of endangered species. By The Smithsonian Institution - Conservation and Research Center
Specializes in Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) Training and Development (offers ESRI Authorized Classes & GIS
Curriculum Classes)
Geographic Information (PowerPoint)
G.P.S. Concepts (PowerPoint)
An Introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing in
Conservation and Wildlife Management
Introduction to GIS Concepts
Introduction to ArcView 3.x
Introduction to Avenue
Introduction to
Object-Oriented Programming
Introduction to
Object-Oriented Programming- Part II
Introduction to
Object-Oriented Programming- Part III
Serving a Dynamic Map to the Web
with ArcView IMS
These courses are offered by Society of Wetlands Scientists.
Basic Wetland Delineation
Basic Wetland Delineation with
Field Practicum
Basic Wetland Delineator
Coastal Wetland Plant ID
Hydrology of Wetlands
ID of Freshwater Wetland
Sedges, Grasses & Rushes
Identifying Grasses, Sedges
& Rushes
Introduction to Applied
Plant ID: Wetlands and Their Borders
Plant Identification
Temperate Wetlands Restoration Training Course
Vegetation Identification for Wetland Delineation
Wetland Delineation
Wetland Delineation &
Management Training
Wetland ID & Delineation
based on the USACOE Reg. IV Program
Wetland Mitigation
Wetland Delineation &
Management Training
If you know that there are
universities/colleges/institutions are offering certificate/degree/diploma courses on GIS,
hydrology and remote sensing and those are not listed above, please let us know by E-mailing us.
On-Line courses
on-line tutorial
About Remote Sensing Overview of remote sensing from Australia's National Mapping
Agency. Further resources to information about spatial data and infrastructure for
Birkbeck College London UK,
offers MSc in GIS Programme
State University Bakersfield, USA
University Australia
Carnegie Mellon and Columbia
University Information Resource Management
Certificate Program (by distance education)
Department of
Geography Ohio State University
Earth Observatory
Overview and history of remote sensing by the Earth Observatory. There is a neat tool on
the page to turn the glossary on or off in order to access definitions on the terminology.
ESRI Virtual
Campus:Self-paced courses in
Trinity College, Dublin Geography Department.
GIS Applications in Archaeology
This PowerPoint (Vsn 7) presentation contains approximately 100 slides. Online PowerPoint
presentation introducing the use of GIS in the field archaeology. The material may be used
freely in a non-profit educational environment with proper citation. Created by Ian
Johnson, School of Archaeology, University of Sydney, Australia.
IAC Inter-Application
Communication Tutorial
to ArcView PowerPoint presentation overviewing
ArcView 3.x. Presented by Karen Batista Hunterdon Central Regional High School.
GIS on-line
McGill University Department of Earth Sciences
Presentations PowerPoint presentations for Remote
Sensing and ArcView's Spatial Analyst. From Project NAUTILUS, the University of
Connecticut and NASA.
Overview of
Remote Sensing A brief foray into Remote Sensing
from the University of Calgary web page. Further links to a remote sensing bibliography
and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society.
State World Campus USA
Presenting GIS
Downloadable PowerPoint Presentations on introductory GIS, spatial analysis and uses of
spatial data. From "GIS for Teachers", created by Kingston University
based in the United Kingdom.
Principles of Remote
Sensing Basic overview of what remote sensing is
with hyperlinks to detailed explanations of remote sensing terminology.
of Remote Sensing Brief article
delving into the underpinnings of remote sensing; "How did it start?" and
Population Ecology by Alexei Sharov,
Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Remote Sensing Tutorials From the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing. Take your pick of
tutorials to learn the fundamentals of remote sensing, digital imagery analysis, creating
3D imagery from 2D, or a special tutorial for teaching kids remote sensing.
Sensing Core Curriculum Four volume curriculum
covering topics such as air photo interpretation, remote sensing and the environment,
digital image processing, and remote sensing applications.
Simon Fraser University Vancouver
BC, Canada
Software Tutorial Online tutorial provides an
overview of SAS/GIS a statistical analysis program which can be used for spatial analysis
and mapping.
University of Arizona ARC/INFO User Group
UNIGIS International
distance learning consortium, Central office, UK
University of
Southern California Los Angeles CA, USA
University of California at
Web Course Tools
(WebCT) (offers courses/projects in
Arc/Info,GIS,Remote Sensing,GPS)
Programming Courses
Java Coffee Break Tutorials
This free tutorial series teaches the basics of Java
programming. It requires no previous Java experience, and is perfect for the beginner.
Tutorials cover a wide range of topics, from applets and applications, to more advanced
issues such as class design, event handling and networking. Borland JBuilder tool,
should work with all these tutorials, but you'll need to import the files into your
project first.They also have a two part tutorial series for Borland JBuilder, available at
Introduction to Linux
Linux System Administration
Linux Tools and Utilities
Oracle8 Database Administration - Create Database
Oracle8 Database Administration - Manage an Instance
Oracle8 Administration - Manage Data Storage
Oracle PL/SQL: Basics
Oracle Web Server: Develop Web-Based Applications
Oracle Form Builder: Forms Fundamentals
Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing
ARC/INFO Training
Spatial Data the tutorial will introduce the
user to the concepts of GIS, spatial data, GIS software, the NSDI and geographic data
and MapObjects: An Architectural Comparison for
Application Developers
About GIS for Hydrology
Field Guides and Training Resources
All About GPS This tutorial is designed to give you a good basic understanding of
the principles behind GPS without loading you down with too much technical detail. Info.
includes why GPS? what is GPS? how GPS works? Differential GPS, putting GPS to work, and
GPS applications like- Free Flight It's a
coordinated set of technologies that will one day give airline pilots a lot more autonomy,
Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) is
a technology used for tracking vehicles, vessels, and mobile assets such as trailers,
containers, and equipment. Hosted by Trimble
AllGPS is GPS for Kindergarten and up. All you need to know about the
Global Positioning System! Whimsical tutorial on all about GPS. Interweaves information
with games about GPS using Sherlock Holmes as your guide.
Hydrologic Concepts
Buffering Themes by ESRI. Useful for determining "areas of influence"!
ArcView 3.0
Themes by ESRI. Create a buffer around selected
features in ArcView 3.1 & 3.2
Building Searchable Databases
for GIS Metadata
BASINS Helps Solve the Watershed Puzzle
Comparative Analysis Learning Activity Water, water everywhere! How
does it compare?
Creating Grids,
Contours and Hillshades in ArcView® Spatial Analyst
Creating Grids Using
Customizing Legends in a
layout by ESRI. Working with the legend tool
extension in ArcView 3.1 & 3.2
Creating Your Own Data by ESRI. Make a map using your own data!
Customizing ArcView by ESRI. Incorporate Avenue scripts into your ArcView Project
Creating a Map of Census
Data Using ArcView GIS Tutorials for Creating Maps
of Census Data (U. Michigan)
Decision Support
DTM Surface
and Contouring
Data from the South
Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Concepts by Kenneth E. Foote and Donald J. Huebner. (includes GIS as
representations of Reality, Basic Types of Representation: Raster and Vector Reality,
Organizing Attribute Data, example of Topological Relationships, Object Oriented
Databases, and Idea of Expert System etc)
Decision Support
Applications Recent developments associated with
decision support systems in water resources by David w. Watkins, Jr. and Daene C. McKinney
Digital images and
digital analysis techniques Download this basic
course on Remote Sensing and try the exercises.
Definitions of Remote
Sensing Conventional & Unconventional. What is
remote sensing anyhow? Experts have provided both straight and wacky explanations. By CCRS.
An easy way to learn Space Imaging
Fundamentals of Remote
Sensing Tutorial
FarmAssist 6.0 (On-line Tutorial Wizard)
GIS for
Civil and Environmental Engineers
Applications in Hydrology
GIS and
Extreme Hydrology
Geographic Information Systems
created by the USGS (talks about what is a GIS, how
does a GIS work, what's special about a GIS, and applications of GIS)
and Hydrologic Modeling an Assessment of
GIS and Remote Sensing
GIS in Water Resources courses, offered by David R. Maidment, University of Texas at Austin
GPS Tutorial Overview on Timeline, Intro.,
and Facts. Also covers solving for position, signal structures, DLL tracking, Error
sources, navigational data processing, observation equation, applications and precision.
Provided by Aalborg Univ. Dept. of Control Eng.
GPS Tutorial
There are currently over a hundred models of GPS units
on the market today. The International GPS Global Positioning System Waypoint Registry are
trying to figure out how to make a tutorial for all of those different models. They are
working on a generic one now.
Global Positioning
System Overview These materials were developed by
Peter H. Dana, Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, 1994. May be used
for study, research, and education in not-for-profit applications.
GPS: A New Constellation Very well put together exhibit from the National Air and Space
Museum. Also has examples of GPS applications in various industries.
GPS Primer Categorized tutorial on GPS from the Aerospace Corporation. Also
includes Military uses for GPS and GPS uses in everyday life.
GPS Tutor
Tutorial from Quality Engineering and Survey Technology
(QUEST). Find additional information about differential correction, samples of GPS &
DGPS scatter plots and accuracy measurements.
Tutorial from Topcon, a maker of GPS units. Has an
interesting historical overview going back to prehistory. Info divided into
hyperlinked chapters. Includes advanced features and radio modems.
GPS Guide for beginners GPS technology is rapidly
changing how people find their way around the Earth. Whether it be for fun, saving lives,
getting there faster, or whatever use you can dream up, GPS navigation is becoming more
common every day. This guide will give you enough information to get you involved in the
fun that awaits you.
Tutorial is to provide you with an overview on the
GPS, that is the basis of today's monitoring technology. Additional sections will be
added over the coming weeks and months, with each building on previous section. Provided
by TRUCKBASE Corporation.
Hydrology for
the Meteorologist: The Headwater Forecast Process
Hydrology for the Meteorologist
Decision Aid Issuing Flood Watches and
Warnings for Small Streams and Headwater Basins
HEC-PrePro An ArcView Pre-Processor for HEC’s Hydrologic Modeling System
Modelling Workshop (8.0 mb!) (by Minnesota
Department of Natural Resource's)This workshop is a basic overview of incorporating GIS tools into
Hydrologic Modeling using ArcView's Spatial Analyst Extension
Hydrologic Forecast Process for
Small Streams and Headwater Basins Flowchart
Illustration (19K)
IAC - Inter-Application
Communication Tutorial
IDRISI Tutorial a very coarse introduction to Image Processing.
to Desktop Mapping & ArcView
Inter-Application Communication
(IAC) Tutorial
to ArcView (by Minnesota Department of Natural
Introduction to
Digital Images & Digital Analysis Techniques A
Basic Course for the Appreciation of Digital Analysis of Remotely Sensed Multispectral
to Basic Ground-Water Flow By the earthDr!
LandView II Tutorial
Land Evaluation by David G. Rossiter, Cornell University
Looking at the
Earth's Environment through the "Eyes" of a Satellite guide for student research projects, on remote sensing and the
Map Based
Manipulating Legends
in ArcView
Curriculum for Technical Programs
Projecting Data in
Project ASSIST Idrisi Support Materials
Project ASSIST Arc/Info Support Materials
Project ASSIST Idrisi Support Materials
River Forecast
Radar-based Precipitation
Remote Sensing Tutorial the central aim of this tutorial is to familiarize, and in so doing
instruct, you as to what remote sensing is,what its applications are, and what you need to
know in order to interpret and, hopefully, use the data/information being acquired by
satellite, air, and ground sensors.
Remote Sensing Core Curriculum
Remote Sensing Tutorial for Natural Resource Managers, Descriptive
Representation of Spatial Knowledge
Sensing and Image Interpretation & Analysis
Radars Remote Sensing Guide consists of two web-based instructional modules
that use multimedia technology and the dynamic capabilities of the web.
Radar and Stereoscopy Tutorial create the illusion of three dimensions using two dimensional images! This
tutorial will show you how it's done
Radar Mapping Techniques and
Remote Sensing of the Global Environment
at Titanic's Gravesite. Download a digital version of the
poster that marks the spot where the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg on April 14,
1912 at 2340h. Learn more about how the poster was made, ice monitoring from space, Remote
sensing, and RADARSAT.
Simple Road Design
Spatial Analysis
Hydrology using ArcView GIS
Satellites Remote Sensing Guide consists of two web-based instructional modules
that use multimedia technology and the dynamic capabilities of the web.
Satellite data reception an animated explanation of how satellite data works at the CCRS
receiving stations.
The Hurricane module
The use of GPS/Computer
combination An introduction.
The Army GPS Tutorial provides a non-technical, operational perspective of the NAVSTAR GPS
for Staff Officers and Senior NCOs in all Branches of the Army. It explains the actions
necessary in planning and conducting combat operations and operations other than war to
capitalize on the diverse capabilities of GPS that support the Army mission. The GPS
Tutorial also contains a PLGR emulator that allows the user to become familiar with the
PLGR interface. The GPS Tutorial CDROM is also available. By Terrain Visualization Center,
The Canadian
Communities Atlas Project GeoAccess(formerly the
National Atlas Information Service of Geomatics Canada) in partnership with a Teacher's
Advisory Group from the Canadian Council for Geographic Education, is offering this
Internet based project to schools across Canada. By participating and creating a Community
Atlas web site, schools will be able to be part of the National Atlas of Canada. The sixth
edition, an Internet based version, is currently underway and will provide the very best
geographical and geospatial information and data.
The National Atlas of
Canada is for interactive learning about Canada's
Using LIDAR Data in an
ArcView® Project
Useful ArcView®
Using ArcView Maps on
your Web Page by ESRI. how to create an ArcView
layout from scratch (rather than using a template), and then export your layout to a JPEG
image file for use on your web page
Using E-STAT with ArcView
by ESRI. E-STAT is Statistics Canada's interactive
learning tool, available on-line and on CD-ROM (Windows) designed specifically for the
education community (ArcView 3.1 & 3.2)
Watching Over Our Planet From Space focused on kids level! Introduced to remote sensing through a series of fun
activities using environmental applications.
What is Geographic Information
Science? by Michael F. Goodchild, University of
California Santa Barbara
Working With CAD Drawings by ESRI. CAD Drawings - what they are, and how you can use them in
WFO Hydrologic Forecast System
(WHFS)Workshop Material