The following are the new additions of data sets in GIS,
LULC, and Remote Sensing:
county, FL GIS data The data in this category are
composed of two types: 1) Arc/Info export format *.e00, and 2) the
corresponding metadata (the descriptions and parameters of the spatial data files).
Provided by GIS Lab at FIU.
degree decimal to UTM or Lat/Lon to UTM or UTM to Lat/Lon
CEONet Data maps, satellite images, publications and other geospatial data provided by
Canadian and international organizations. Search and browse for free on-line data supplied
by Canadian organizations
Canadian Street Map Routing Data
online mapping service
Database on Forest Disturbances in Europe (DFDE)
Digital Elevation Models data of SC
GeoGratis distributes
geospatial data of Canada.
Get-a-Map a free service allowing you to print maps or copy them for use on your personal
or business web site
Images of Canada Tour
Canada from space.
Landcover data of SC
Land Cover & Population Statistics in the Baltic Sea
Drainage Basin
RADARSAT Applications in
Action! CCRS scientists are analyzing the latest RADARSAT images from around the world
Zoning polygons and Parcel Centroids data of SC
American Digital Cartography a good source for data in CAD formats as well as GIS ones
AKRFC Alaska, Anchorage and AK
Daily Streamflow
Conditions Map USGS
Dam and reservoir location in
the United States (Scale/Resolution,,
Coverage: complete, Cost: free
download from the USGS, Format: Arc/Info &
EPA Surf
Your Watershed
FACE free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment
FIFE first ISLSCP Field Experiment(large-scale climatology project for
the prairies of central Kansas)
GHCC Global Hydrology and Climate Center
Hydrologic Unit Maps
IAEH Intl. Asso. of Environmental Hydrology
IH: Institute of Hydrology (England)
see: Water and Research
ISWS Illinois
State Water Survey
IPCC: Data Distribution Center Providing Climate Change and Related Scenarios for Impacts
Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia
List of Spatial Data Sets for Water
LMRFC: Lower Mississippi Basin; Slidell, LA daily rainfall and precipitation data
NWRI National Water Research Institute - Canada
NIWR National
Institutes for Water Resources - US consortium
NWS ABRFC Arkansas-Red
Basin River Forecast Center
NERFC Northeast; Taunton, MA
NWRFC Northwest;
Portland, OR
NWS Hydrologic Information Center Current conditions and Outlook
NWIS-W Data Retrieval USGS surface-water data retrieval and summaries for nationwide
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program
provides consistent and comparable information on
water resources in 60 important river basins and aquifers across the Nation (United
Oklahoma Mesonet The Oklahoma Mesonet is a multipurpose network that measures
environmental conditions
OHRFC Ohio Basin; Wilmington, OH
Hydrometeorological database for S. & C. America
Water Resources Information
USGS U.S. Historical Streamflow
USGS U.S. Current Streamflow
USGS National Water Use Data
USGS National Water Conditions
UTOKYO Dept. of Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering
United States NWIS-W Data Retrieval
WGRFC Western Gulf; Fort Worth, TX
Water-Quality Information - Data from USGS and other federal agencies
Array Systems
Remote Sensing Image Processing
and Archiving Systems
Alaska Geospatial
Data Clearinghouse Alaska's
15 national park data and much more...... in ArcInfo 7.0 format.
Alaska Digital
Orthoimagery Initiative
reference map available
Archeological Citation Counts by County
(National Archeological Database)
Archeological Site Counts
(State Historic Preservation Officers)
Archeological Site Densities
(State Historic Preservation Officers)
A North American Paleoindian Database: Fluted Point Densities
Photographs Online - U.S. Coastal Areas (Maptech)
Charts Online (Maptech)
Sea Drainage Basin GIS, Map and Statistical Database by
Europe's most comprehensive
transboundary and multi-thematic GIS database. GIS data provided in
pcARC/INFO and IDRISI formats. Thematic focus upon land cover and
population. Links to related information.
Baltic Sea Region GIS, Maps
and Statistical Database by
Country and Regional Map Sites
by The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, The University of
Texas at Austin
Country maps great place to
find maps of almost every country in the world
Map Data
Micromarketing Data & Systems
China Dimensions Data
Collection Highlights
include digital administrative boundaries; fundamental GIS layers;
county-level data on population, agriculture, economics and
hospitals; and interactive access to the 1982 census of population
Environmental Data Center
Rhode Island GIS data, and GPS Base Station data.
Europe Weather (theyr
Internet Weather) Excellent
weather maps for Europe. Will display in the language of your choice
Finland National Land
Survey Geographic Information Centre
GIS Data
The largest FREE geo-spatial data repository on the web!
Strategies S.A
GIS data for
Rhode Island
Geneva (Global Resource
Information Database)It provides GIS service and distributes free
geo-referenced environmental data sets.
GIS data for Connecticut
USAMAGIC, the Map and Geographic
Information Center at the University of Connecticut, is the geodata
library for the State of Connecticut.
Geological and Geophysical
Databases, Information and GIS Map Server
Cornell University
Gridded Population of the
Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB)
Geostatistical Datasets from
Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology by M.E. Hohn
is a web and file transfer
protocol (ftp) site that distributes geospatial data of Canada. Data
is available for FREE download
Geostatistical Datasets from
Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology by M.E. Hohn
is a web and file transfer
protocol (ftp) site that distributes geospatial data of Canada. Data
is available for download, without charge.
Historical Map WebSites
by The Perry-Castañeda
Library Map Collection from the university of Texas at Austin
Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
data include: geology, water resources,
nature preserves, wildlife areas, land use, political boundaries,
roads, census information, Public Land Survey, Digital Raster
Graphics files, and 1998/99 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles.
GIS/Mapping Sciences Resource Guide
Maps and
Graphics (view items in the
database by thematical category Geographic category: Acidification,
Agriculture and Fisheries, Atmosphere and Climate change, Base maps,
Biodiversity, Demography, Economy, Energy, Freshwater. Hot
spots/Trends, Human Health. Infrastructure, Land Degradation, Marine
and coastal areas, Pollution, Protected areas/Forests,
Socio-economic, Topographic maps, Urban areas, for Africa, Arctic,
Asia, Europe, Global, North America, Norway, South America)
Maps and
Graphics (view items in the
database by thematical category Geographic category: Acidification,
Agriculture and Fisheries, Atmosphere and Climate change, Base maps,
Biodiversity, Demography, Economy, Energy, Freshwater. Hot
spots/Trends, Human Health. Infrastructure, Land Degradation, Marine
and coastal areas, Pollution, Protected areas/Forests,
Socio-economic, Topographic maps, Urban areas, for Africa, Arctic,
Asia, Europe, Global, North America, Norway, South America)
Archives and Records Administration
geographic map search engine
National Geospatial Data
Clearinghouse Meta-Data
Catalogue for the vast USGS Spatial Data holdings (digital mapping
and images).
National Land Survey of
Finland National Land
Survey (NLS) is responsible for Finland’s cadastral system and
general mapping assignments. It also promotes the shared use of
geographic information.
NRHP Property Densities
(National Register of Historic Places)
NRHP Historic Archeological Site Densities
(National Register of Historic Places)
Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access
Paleoindian Citation Densities by County
(National Archeological Database)
Reading Weather Maps
World coverage
State of the Environment Georgia (Country)
San Francisco Bay Area Digital
Geo-Resource (BADGER) is part
of NASA's effort to promote public use of earth science data. Data
includes Landsat, DRG, DLG and DOQ imagery, with more coming on-line
all the time.
Population Index 1986-1999
The North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS)
Home of all kind of map the state of
North Carolina
The Florida Gap Analysis Project (GAP)
Data on Land cover Mapping,
Wildlife Distributions and Modeling Florida Conservation Lands
and Aerial Color Infrared Digital Photography
Geography Network provides
access to a rich collection of digital maps from many of the world's
leading map publisher
USGS EROS Data Center
Major Data Archive for world
data, satellite imagery. Includes information on intelligence
satellite photographs (1960 - 1972) recently (1995) declassified by
the U.S. government.
Quad Maps by
USGS Quad Maps
U.S. National Weather Service -
Current U.S. Weather Warnings
World Map
WorldSat International satellite
underlay for GIS. Complete cloud free images of the entire earth
available as prints for display or in digital format for a GIS
Wyoming Natural
Resources Data Clearinghouse
Wyoming Bioinformation Node
Promote awareness of existing
biological datasets
Weather Channel Home
Page -
Select a
State or
Select a
Weather Channel -
Remote Sensing
AIRS: Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (EOS)
AMSR: Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer
ASTER: Adv. Space. Thermal Emis. and Refl.
Radiometer (EOS)
AVHRR Sea Surface
Temperature (SST) Data (NASA)
AVHRR++ Sea Surface
Temperature (SST) Images (NOAA/PMEL)
CERES: Clouds & Earth's
Radiant Energy Sys. (EOS)
Earth - List of NASA Missions (ESE)
DMSP: Defense Meteorological Satellite
Data Archive at NGDC
EarthExplorer Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and
cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey
a free service allowing you to print maps or copy them for use
on your personal or business web site.You can search for maps of all parts of the UK at
various scales simply by entering your place name, post code or National Grid reference.
Users should be aware that some post codes, especially new ones, may be shown temporarily
with an approximate position.will be introducing new mapping and an improved online
delivery system over the coming months. From Ordnance Survey.
Imaging Radar
Homepage (JPL)
METEOSAT: European
Meteorological Satellites (ESA)
MISR: Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (EOS)
NOAA NESDIS: Nat. Environ. Sat. Data and Info.
NASA NSSDC: National Space Science Data Center
microwave scatterometer
SPOT Image Corp French Environmental Resources Satellite
SEAWIFS: Ocean color images from
SeaWiFS new browser
Imagery by
TOMS: Total Ozone
Mapping Spectrometer ftp images
TOVS: TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder
USRA: Universities Space
Research Association
UARS: Upper Air Research Satellite
UWISC SSEC: Space Science & Engineering
Wyoming Digital
Orthophoto Browser
model (Scale/Resolution: unknown, Coverage:
California, Cost: free download from CA GAP site, Format: Arc/Info)
Topodepot Quads and more
quads – CAD and GIS formats
Land use/Land cover
Hydrologic units maps of the Conterminous United States
land use and land cover (Scale/Resolution:
1:100,000 (minimum mapping area 10 arces), Coverage: Complete, Cost: free download from
Cover & Population Statistics in the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin
The USGS Geospatial Data
Clearinghouse The Clearinghouse provides a
pathway to find information about geospatial or spatially referenced data available from
USGS. The information is in the form of metadata. Metadata are used to organize and
maintain investments in data, to provide information to data catalogs and clearinghouses,
and to aid data transfers. This site is maintained by the USGS in cooperation with the
U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a comprehensive set of digital spatial data that contains
information about surface water features such as lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, springs
and wells.
Canada Dept. of Environment
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
National Geophysical Data Center (Access to NGDC
Paleoclimate Program)
National Geology, Mapping and Water Resources (USGS)
National Water and Climate Center (USDA/NRCS)
NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly
National Soil Erosion Research Lab
NGSDC: National GeoSpatial Data Clearinghouse (USGS)
Soil Information for Environmental Modeling